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Conference Chair & EAMT President |
| Andy Way, DCU, Dublin, Ireland |
Local Organizers |
| Viggo Hansen, Saint Raphaël, France |
| Svetlana Sheremetyeva, Saint Raphaël, France |
Research Program Chair: |
| François Yvon, LIMSI-CNRS and Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France |
User Program Chair: |
| Viggo Hansen, Saint Raphaël, France |
Host: |
| European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) |
27/04/2010 |
Updated final program is now available on the conference website. Click here |
31/03/2010 |
Conference programme is now available. Click Programme |
31/03/2010 |
Call for participation: Register before the 15th of April and take advantage of the early bird registration fee. |
17/03/2010 |
Notification of accepted papers will be given on the 29th of March. Deadline for camera-ready copy is now 12 April 2010. |
22/02/2010 |
Registration for the EAMT2010 conference is now open. To register click Registration. |
22/02/2010 |
The review process of submitted papers has started. |
13/01/2010 |
2nd Call for Papers has been circulated. |
13/01/2010 |
Deadline for paper submission has been extended to February 12th 2010